Migration Guide 2.3.x to 2.4.x

Migration Guide 2.3.x to 2.4.x

The 2.4 release contains some structural changes that require some simple, mechanical source-level changes in client code.

When migrating from earlier versions you should first follow the instructions for migrating 1.3.x to 2.0.x and then 2.0.x to 2.1.x and then 2.1.x to 2.2.x and then 2.2.x to 2.3.x.

Binary Compatibility

Akka 2.4.x is backwards binary compatible with previous 2.3.x versions apart from the following exceptions. This means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the old one (but not the other way around) as long as your build does not enable the inliner (Scala-only restriction).

The following parts are not binary compatible with 2.3.x:

  • akka-testkit and akka-remote-testkit
  • experimental modules, such as akka-persistence and akka-contrib
  • features, classes, methods that were deprecated in 2.3.x and removed in 2.4.x

The dependency to Netty has been updated from version 3.8.0.Final to 3.10.3.Final. The changes in those versions might not be fully binary compatible, but we believe that it will not be a problem in practice. No changes were needed to the Akka source code for this update. Users of libraries that depend on 3.8.0.Final that break with 3.10.3.Final should be able to manually downgrade the dependency to 3.8.0.Final and Akka will still work with that version.

Advanced Notice: TypedActors will go away

While technically not yet deprecated, the current akka.actor.TypedActor support will be superseded by the Akka Typed project that is currently being developed in open preview mode. If you are using TypedActors in your projects you are advised to look into this, as it is superior to the Active Object pattern expressed in TypedActors. The generic ActorRefs in Akka Typed allow the same type-safety that is afforded by TypedActors while retaining all the other benefits of an explicit actor model (including the ability to change behaviors etc.).

It is likely that TypedActors will be officially deprecated in the next major update of Akka and subsequently removed.

Removed Deprecated Features

The following, previously deprecated, features have been removed:

  • akka-dataflow

  • akka-transactor

  • durable mailboxes (akka-mailboxes-common, akka-file-mailbox)

  • Cluster.publishCurrentClusterState

  • akka.cluster.auto-down, replaced by akka.cluster.auto-down-unreachable-after in Akka 2.3

  • Old routers and configuration.

    Note that in router configuration you must now specify if it is a pool or a group in the way that was introduced in Akka 2.3.

  • Timeout constructor without unit

  • JavaLoggingEventHandler, replaced by JavaLogger

  • UntypedActorFactory

  • Java API TestKit.dilated, moved to JavaTestKit.dilated

Protobuf Dependency

The transitive dependency to Protobuf has been removed to make it possible to use any version of Protobuf for the application messages. If you use Protobuf in your application you need to add the following dependency with desired version number:

"com.google.protobuf" % "protobuf-java" % "2.5.0"

Internally Akka is using an embedded version of protobuf that corresponds to com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java version 2.5.0. The package name of the embedded classes has been changed to akka.protobuf.

Added parameter validation to RootActorPath

Previously akka.actor.RootActorPath allowed passing in arbitrary strings into its name parameter, which is meant to be the name of the root Actor. Subsequently, if constructed with an invalid name such as a full path for example (/user/Full/Path) some features using this path may transparently fail - such as using actorSelection on such invalid path.

In Akka 2.4.x the RootActorPath validates the input and may throw an IllegalArgumentException if the passed in name string is illegal (contains / elsewhere than in the begining of the string or contains #).

TestKit.remaining throws AssertionError

In earlier versions of Akka TestKit.remaining returned the default timeout configurable under "akka.test.single-expect-default". This was a bit confusing and thus it has been changed to throw an AssertionError if called outside of within. The old behavior however can still be achieved by calling TestKit.remainingOrDefault instead.

EventStream and ManagedActorClassification EventBus now require an ActorSystem

Both the EventStream (Scala, Java) and the ManagedActorClassification, ManagedActorEventBus (Scala, Java) now require an ActorSystem to properly operate. The reason for that is moving away from stateful internal lifecycle checks to a fully reactive model for unsubscribing actors that have Terminated. Therefore the ActorClassification and ActorEventBus was deprecated and replaced by ManagedActorClassification and ManagedActorEventBus

If you have implemented a custom event bus, you will need to pass in the actor system through the constructor now:

import akka.event.ActorEventBus
import akka.event.ManagedActorClassification
import akka.event.ActorClassifier

final case class Notification(ref: ActorRef, id: Int)

class ActorBusImpl(val system: ActorSystem) extends ActorEventBus with ActorClassifier with ManagedActorClassification {
  type Event = Notification

  // is used for extracting the classifier from the incoming events
  override protected def classify(event: Event): ActorRef = event.ref

  // determines the initial size of the index data structure
  // used internally (i.e. the expected number of different classifiers)
  override protected def mapSize: Int = 128

If you have been creating EventStreams manually, you now have to provide an actor system and start the unsubscriber:

Please note that this change affects you only if you have implemented your own buses, Akka's own context.eventStream is still there and does not require any attention from you concerning this change.

FSM notifies on same state transitions

When changing states in an Finite-State-Machine Actor (FSM), state transition events are emitted and can be handled by the user either by registering onTransition handlers or by subscribing to these events by sending it an SubscribeTransitionCallBack message.

Previously in 2.3.x when an FSM was in state A and performed a goto(A) transition, no state transition notification would be sent. This is because it would effectively stay in the same state, and was deemed to be semantically equivalent to calling stay().

In 2.4.x when an FSM performs an any goto(X) transition, it will always trigger state transition events. Which turns out to be useful in many systems where same-state transitions actually should have an effect.

In case you do not want to trigger a state transition event when effectively performing an X->X transition, use stay() instead.

Circuit Breaker Timeout Change

In 2.3.x calls protected by the CircuitBreaker were allowed to run indefinitely and the check to see if the timeout had been exceeded was done after the call had returned.

In 2.4.x the failureCount of the Breaker will be increased as soon as the timeout is reached and a Failure[TimeoutException] will be returned immediately for asynchronous calls. Synchronous calls will now throw a TimeoutException after the call is finished.

Slf4j logging filter

If you use Slf4jLogger you should add the following configuration:

akka.logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"

It will filter the log events using the backend configuration (e.g. logback.xml) before they are published to the event bus.

Inbox.receive Java API

Inbox.receive now throws a checked java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException exception if the receive timeout is reached.

Pool routers nrOfInstances method now takes ActorSystem

In order to make cluster routers smarter about when they can start local routees, nrOfInstances defined on Pool now takes ActorSystem as an argument. In case you have implemented a custom Pool you will have to update the method's signature, however the implementation can remain the same if you don't need to rely on an ActorSystem in your logic.

Group routers paths method now takes ActorSystem

In order to make cluster routers smarter about when they can start local routees, paths defined on Group now takes ActorSystem as an argument. In case you have implemented a custom Group you will have to update the method's signature, however the implementation can remain the same if you don't need to rely on an ActorSystem in your logic.

Cluster aware router max-total-nr-of-instances

In 2.3.x the deployment configuration property nr-of-instances was used for cluster aware routers to specify total number of routees in the cluster. This was confusing, especially since the default value is 1.

In 2.4.x there is a new deployement property cluster.max-total-nr-of-instances that defines total number of routees in the cluster. By default max-total-nr-of-instances is set to a high value (10000) that will result in new routees added to the router when nodes join the cluster. Set it to a lower value if you want to limit total number of routees.

For backwards compatibility reasons nr-of-instances is still used if defined by user, i.e. if defined it takes precedence over max-total-nr-of-instances.

Logger names use full class name

Previously, few places in Akka used "simple" logger names, such as Cluster or Remoting. Now they use full class names, such as akka.cluster.Cluster or akka.remote.Remoting, in order to allow package level log level definitions and ease source code lookup. In case you used specific "simple" logger name based rules in your logback.xml configurations, please change them to reflect appropriate package name, such as <logger name='akka.cluster' level='warn' /> or <logger name='akka.remote' level='error' />

Default interval for TestKit.awaitAssert changed to 100 ms

Default check interval changed from 800 ms to 100 ms. You can define the interval explicitly if you need a longer interval.

Secure Cookies

Secure cookies feature was deprecated.

AES128CounterInetRNG and AES256CounterInetRNG are Deprecated

Use AES128CounterSecureRNG or AES256CounterSecureRNG as akka.remote.netty.ssl.security.random-number-generator.

Microkernel is Deprecated

Akka Microkernel is deprecated and will be removed. It is replaced by using an ordinary user defined main class and packaging with sbt-native-packager or Lightbend ConductR. Please see Use-case and Deployment Scenarios for more information.

New Cluster Metrics Extension

Previously, cluster metrics functionality was located in the akka-cluster jar. Now it is split out and moved into a separate Akka module: akka-cluster-metrics jar. The module comes with few enhancements, such as use of Kamon sigar-loader for native library provisioning as well as use of statistical averaging of metrics data. Note that both old and new metrics configuration entries in the reference.conf are still in the same name space akka.cluster.metrics but are not compatible. Make sure to disable legacy metrics in akka-cluster: akka.cluster.metrics.enabled=off, since it is still enabled in akka-cluster by default (for compatibility with past releases). Router configuration entries have also changed for the module, they use prefix cluster-metrics-: cluster-metrics-adaptive-pool and cluster-metrics-adaptive-group Metrics extension classes and objects are located in the new package akka.cluster.metrics. Please see Scala, Java for more information.

Cluster tools moved to separate module

The Cluster Singleton, Distributed Pub-Sub, and Cluster Client previously located in the akka-contrib jar is now moved to a separate module named akka-cluster-tools. You need to replace this dependency if you use any of these tools.

The classes changed package name from akka.contrib.pattern to akka.cluster.singleton, akka.cluster.pubsub and akka.cluster.client.

The configuration properties changed name to akka.cluster.pub-sub and akka.cluster.client.

Cluster sharding moved to separate module

The Cluster Sharding previously located in the akka-contrib jar is now moved to a separate module named akka-cluster-sharding. You need to replace this dependency if you use Cluster Sharding.

The classes changed package name from akka.contrib.pattern to akka.cluster.sharding.

The configuration properties changed name to akka.cluster.sharding.

ClusterSharding construction

Several parameters of the start method of the ClusterSharding extension are now defined in a settings object ClusterShardingSettings. It can be created from system configuration properties and also amended with API. These settings can be defined differently per entry type if needed.

Starting the ShardRegion in proxy mode is now done with the startProxy method of the ClusterSharding extension instead of the optional entryProps parameter.

Entry was renamed to Entity, for example in the MessagesExtractor in the Java API and the EntityId type in the Scala API.

idExtractor function was renamed to extractEntityId. shardResolver function was renamed to extractShardId.

Cluster Sharding Entry Path Change

Previously in 2.3.x entries were direct children of the local ShardRegion. In examples the persistenceId of entries included self.path.parent.name to include the cluster type name.

In 2.4.x entries are now children of a Shard, which in turn is a child of the local ShardRegion. To include the shard type in the persistenceId it is now accessed by self.path.parent.parent.name from each entry.

Asynchronous ShardAllocationStrategy

The methods of the ShardAllocationStrategy and AbstractShardAllocationStrategy in Cluster Sharding have changed return type to a Future to support asynchronous decision. For example you can ask an actor external actor of how to allocate shards or rebalance shards.

For the synchronous case you can return the result via scala.concurrent.Future.successful in Scala or akka.dispatch.Futures.successful in Java.

Cluster Sharding internal data

The Cluster Sharding coordinator stores the locations of the shards using Akka Persistence. This data can safely be removed when restarting the whole Akka Cluster.

The serialization format of the internal persistent events stored by the Cluster Sharding coordinator has been changed and it cannot load old data from 2.3.x or some 2.4 milestone.

The persistenceId of the Cluster Sharding coordinator has been changed since 2.3.x so it should not load such old data, but it can be a problem if you have used a 2.4 milestone release. In that case you should remove the persistent data that the Cluster Sharding coordinator stored. Note that this is not application data.

You can use the RemoveInternalClusterShardingData utility program to remove this data.

The new persistenceId is s"/sharding/${typeName}Coordinator". The old persistenceId is s"/user/sharding/${typeName}Coordinator/singleton/coordinator".

ClusterSingletonManager and ClusterSingletonProxy construction

Parameters to the Props factory methods have been moved to settings object ClusterSingletonManagerSettings and ClusterSingletonProxySettings. These can be created from system configuration properties and also amended with API as needed.

The buffer size of the ClusterSingletonProxy can be defined in the ClusterSingletonProxySettings instead of defining stash-capacity of the mailbox. Buffering can be disabled by using a buffer size of 0.

The singletonPath parameter of ClusterSingletonProxy.props has changed. It is now named singletonManagerPath and is the logical path of the singleton manager, e.g. /user/singletonManager, which ends with the name you defined in actorOf when creating the ClusterSingletonManager. In 2.3.x it was the path to singleton instance, which was error-prone because one had to provide both the name of the singleton manager and the singleton actor.

DistributedPubSub construction

Normally, the DistributedPubSubMediator actor is started by the DistributedPubSubExtension. This extension has been renamed to DistributedPubSub. It is also possible to start it as an ordinary actor if you need multiple instances of it with different settings. The parameters of the Props factory methods in the DistributedPubSubMediator companion has been moved to settings object DistributedPubSubSettings. This can be created from system configuration properties and also amended with API as needed.

ClusterClient construction

The parameters of the Props factory methods in the ClusterClient companion has been moved to settings object ClusterClientSettings. This can be created from system configuration properties and also amended with API as needed.

The buffer size of the ClusterClient can be defined in the ClusterClientSettings instead of defining stash-capacity of the mailbox. Buffering can be disabled by using a buffer size of 0.

Normally, the ClusterReceptionist actor is started by the ClusterReceptionistExtension. This extension has been renamed to ClusterClientReceptionist. It is also possible to start it as an ordinary actor if you need multiple instances of it with different settings. The parameters of the Props factory methods in the ClusterReceptionist companion has been moved to settings object ClusterReceptionistSettings. This can be created from system configuration properties and also amended with API as needed.

The ClusterReceptionist actor that is started by the ClusterReceptionistExtension is now started as a system actor instead of a user actor, i.e. the default path for the ClusterClient initial contacts has changed to "akka.tcp://system@hostname:port/system/receptionist".

ClusterClient sender

In 2.3 the sender() of the response messages, as seen by the client, was the actor in cluster.

In 2.4 the sender() of the response messages, as seen by the client, is deadLetters since the client should normally send subsequent messages via the ClusterClient. It is possible to pass the original sender inside the reply messages if the client is supposed to communicate directly to the actor in the cluster.

Akka Persistence

Experimental removed

The artifact name has changed from akka-persistence-experimental to akka-persistence.

New sbt dependency:

"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % "@version@" @crossString@

New Maven dependency:


The artefact name of the Persistent TCK has changed from akka-persistence-tck-experimental (akka-persistence-experimental-tck) to akka-persistence-tck.

Mandatory persistenceId

It is now mandatory to define the persistenceId in subclasses of PersistentActor, UntypedPersistentActor and AbstractPersistentId.

The rationale behind this change being stricter de-coupling of your Actor hierarchy and the logical "which persistent entity this actor represents".

In case you want to preserve the old behavior of providing the actor's path as the default persistenceId, you can easily implement it yourself either as a helper trait or simply by overriding persistenceId as follows:

override def persistenceId = self.path.toStringWithoutAddress


Backend journal failures during recovery and persist are treated differently than in 2.3.x. The PersistenceFailure message is removed and the actor is unconditionally stopped. The new behavior and reasons for it is explained in Failures.

Persist sequence of events

The persist method that takes a Seq (Scala) or Iterable (Java) of events parameter was deprecated and renamed to persistAll to avoid mistakes of persisting other collection types as one single event by calling the overloaded persist(event) method.

non-permanent deletion

The permanent flag in deleteMessages was removed. non-permanent deletes are not supported any more. Events that were deleted with permanent=false with older version will still not be replayed in this version.

Recover message is gone, replaced by Recovery config

Previously the way to cause recover in PersistentActors was sending them a Recover() message. Most of the time it was the actor itself sending such message to self in its preStart method, however it was possible to send this message from an external source to any PersistentActor or PresistentView to make it start recovering.

This style of starting recovery does not fit well with usual Actor best practices: an Actor should be independent and know about its internal state, and also about its recovery or lack thereof. In order to guide users towards more independent Actors, the Recovery() object is now not used as a message, but as configuration option used by the Actor when it starts. In order to migrate previous code which customised its recovery mode use this example as reference:

// previously
class OldCookieMonster extends PersistentActor {
  def preStart() = self ! Recover(toSequenceNr = 42L)
  // ...
// now:
class NewCookieMonster extends PersistentActor {
  override def recovery = Recovery(toSequenceNr = 42L)
  // ...

Sender reference of replayed events is deadLetters

While undocumented, previously the sender() of the replayed messages would be the same sender that originally had sent the message. Since sender is an ActorRef and those events are often replayed in different incarnations of actor systems and during the entire lifetime of the app, relying on the existence of this reference is most likely not going to succeed. In order to avoid bugs in the style of "it worked last week", the sender() reference is now not stored, in order to avoid potential bugs which this could have provoked.

The previous behaviour was never documented explicitly (nor was it a design goal), so it is unlikely that applications have explicitly relied on this behaviour, however if you find yourself with an application that did exploit this you should rewrite it to explicitly store the ActorPath of where such replies during replay may have to be sent to, instead of relying on the sender reference during replay.

max-message-batch-size config

Configuration property akka.persistence.journal.max-message-batch-size has been moved into the plugin configuration section, to allow different values for different journal plugins. See reference.conf.

akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin config

The configuration property akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin now by default is empty. To restore the previous setting add akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local" to your application.conf. See reference.conf.

PersistentView is deprecated

PersistentView is deprecated. Use Persistence Query instead. The corresponding query type is EventsByPersistenceId. There are several alternatives for connecting the Source to an actor corresponding to a previous PersistentView actor:

  • Sink.actorRef is simple, but has the disadvantage that there is no back-pressure signal from the destination actor, i.e. if the actor is not consuming the messages fast enough the mailbox of the actor will grow
  • mapAsync combined with Ask: Send-And-Receive-Future is almost as simple with the advantage of back-pressure being propagated all the way
  • ActorSubscriber in case you need more fine grained control

The consuming actor may be a plain Actor or a PersistentActor if it needs to store its own state (e.g. fromSequenceNr offset).

Persistence Plugin APIs

SyncWriteJournal removed

SyncWriteJournal removed in favor of using AsyncWriteJournal.

If the storage backend API only supports synchronous, blocking writes, the methods can still be implemented in terms of the asynchronous API. Example of how to do that is in included in the See Journal plugin API for Scala or Journal plugin API for Java.

SnapshotStore: Snapshots can now be deleted asynchronously (and report failures)

Previously the SnapshotStore plugin SPI did not allow for asynchronous deletion of snapshots, and failures of deleting a snapshot may have been even silently ignored.

Now SnapshotStore must return a Future representing the deletion of the snapshot. If this future completes successfully the PersistentActor which initiated the snapshotting will be notified via an DeleteSnapshotSuccess message. If the deletion fails for some reason a DeleteSnapshotFailure will be sent to the actor instead.

For criteria based deletion of snapshots (def deleteSnapshots(criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria)) equivalent DeleteSnapshotsSuccess and DeleteSnapshotsFailure messages are sent, which contain the specified criteria, instead of SnapshotMetadata as is the case with the single snapshot deletion messages.

SnapshotStore: Removed 'saved' callback

Snapshot Stores previously were required to implement a def saved(meta: SnapshotMetadata): Unit method which would be called upon successful completion of a saveAsync (doSaveAsync in Java API) snapshot write.

Currently all journals and snapshot stores perform asynchronous writes and deletes, thus all could potentially benefit from such callback methods. The only gain these callback give over composing an onComplete over Future returned by the journal or snapshot store is that it is executed in the Actors context, thus it can safely (without additional synchronization modify its internal state - for example a "pending writes" counter).

However, this feature was not used by many plugins, and expanding the API to accomodate all callbacks would have grown the API a lot. Instead, Akka Persistence 2.4.x introduces an additional (optionally overrideable) receivePluginInternal:Actor.Receive method in the plugin API, which can be used for handling those as well as any custom messages that are sent to the plugin Actor (imagine use cases like "wake up and continue reading" or custom protocols which your specialised journal can implement).

Implementations using the previous feature should adjust their code as follows:

// previously
class MySnapshots extends SnapshotStore {
  // old API:
  // def saved(meta: SnapshotMetadata): Unit = doThings()

  // new API:
  def saveAsync(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any): Future[Unit] = {
     // completion or failure of the returned future triggers internal messages in receivePluginInternal
     val f: Future[Unit] = ???

     // custom messages can be piped to self in order to be received in receivePluginInternal
     f.map(MyCustomMessage(_)) pipeTo self


  def receivePluginInternal = {
    case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => doThings()
    case MyCustomMessage(data)         => doOtherThings()

  // ...

SnapshotStore: Java 8 Optional used in Java plugin APIs

In places where previously akka.japi.Option was used in Java APIs, including the return type of doLoadAsync, the Java 8 provided Optional type is used now.

Please remember that when creating an java.util.Optional instance from a (possibly) null value you will want to use the non-throwing Optional.fromNullable method, which converts a null into a None value - which is slightly different than its Scala counterpart (where Option.apply(null) returns None).

Atomic writes

asyncWriteMessages takes a immutable.Seq[AtomicWrite] parameter instead of immutable.Seq[PersistentRepr].

Each AtomicWrite message contains the single PersistentRepr that corresponds to the event that was passed to the persist method of the PersistentActor, or it contains several PersistentRepr that corresponds to the events that were passed to the persistAll method of the PersistentActor. All PersistentRepr of the AtomicWrite must be written to the data store atomically, i.e. all or none must be stored.

If the journal (data store) cannot support atomic writes of multiple events it should reject such writes with a Try Failure with an UnsupportedOperationException describing the issue. This limitation should also be documented by the journal plugin.

Rejecting writes

asyncWriteMessages returns a Future[immutable.Seq[Try[Unit]]].

The journal can signal that it rejects individual messages (AtomicWrite) by the returned immutable.Seq[Try[Unit]]. The returned Seq must have as many elements as the input messages Seq. Each Try element signals if the corresponding AtomicWrite is rejected or not, with an exception describing the problem. Rejecting a message means it was not stored, i.e. it must not be included in a later replay. Rejecting a message is typically done before attempting to store it, e.g. because of serialization error.

Read the API documentation of this method for more information about the semantics of rejections and failures.

asyncReplayMessages Java API

The signature of asyncReplayMessages in the Java API changed from akka.japi.Procedure to java.util.function.Consumer.


The permanent deletion flag was removed. Support for non-permanent deletions was removed. Events that were deleted with permanent=false with older version will still not be replayed in this version.

References to "replay" in names

Previously a number of classes and methods used the word "replay" interchangeably with the word "recover". This lead to slight inconsistencies in APIs, where a method would be called recovery, yet the signal for a completed recovery was named ReplayMessagesSuccess.

This is now fixed, and all methods use the same "recovery" wording consistently across the entire API. The old ReplayMessagesSuccess is now called RecoverySuccess, and an additional method called onRecoveryFailure has been introduced.

AtLeastOnceDelivery deliver signature

The signature of deliver changed slightly in order to allow both ActorSelection and ActorPath to be used with it.


def deliver(destination: ActorPath, deliveryIdToMessage: Long ⇒ Any): Unit


def deliver(destination: ActorSelection)(deliveryIdToMessage: Long ⇒ Any): Unit def deliver(destination: ActorPath)(deliveryIdToMessage: Long ⇒ Any): Unit

The Java API remains unchanged and has simply gained the 2nd overload which allows ActorSelection to be passed in directly (without converting to ActorPath).

Actor system shutdown

ActorSystem.shutdown, ActorSystem.awaitTermination and ActorSystem.isTerminated has been deprecated in favor of ActorSystem.terminate and ActorSystem.whenTerminated`. Both returns a Future[Terminated] value that will complete when the actor system has terminated.

To get the same behavior as ActorSystem.awaitTermination block and wait for Future[Terminated] value with Await.result from the Scala standard library.

To trigger a termination and wait for it to complete:

import scala.concurrent.duration._ Await.result(system.terminate(), 10.seconds)

Be careful to not do any operations on the Future[Terminated] using the system.dispatcher as ExecutionContext as it will be shut down with the ActorSystem, instead use for example the Scala standard library context from scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global.

// import system.dispatcher <- this would not work
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

system.terminate().foreach { _ =>
  println("Actor system was shut down")
